The Vermilion County SWCD offers an opportunity for county land users to purchase trees for conservation plantings and fish for farm ponds.
In April, the SWCD holds a tree sale and makes available both deciduous and evergreen tree seedlings, as well as shrubs. These trees are great for creating wildlife habitat plantings, farmstead windbreaks and backyard habitat. Please contact the SWCD office to be added to our mailing list and we will mail you an order form, or you can print the form directly from the website.
Tree and Shrub species available in the past include: American Arborvitae (White Cedar), Norway spruce, White Pine, Black Walnut, Red Oak, White oak, Swamp White Oak, Red Bud, White Flowering Dogwood, Highbush Cranberry and Nannyberry. *** Be sure to check species availability each year, depends on nursery stock***
Tree Protectors: Tree protectors and stakes will be available for purchase to protect your young trees from wildlife and herbicide drift as they mature. Below are examples of what you can expect from these protective tree tubes.
Fish Sale
The SWCD sells fish for stocking farm ponds twice a year, in the spring and fall.
Fish species generally available for purchase include: channel and albino catfish, largemouth bass, hybrid sunfish, bluegill, redear sunfish, hybrid redear sunfish, black crappie, fathead minnows and triploid grass carp. ***Be sure to check species availability in both spring and fall***
Tree and Fish Sale Payment: SWCD accepts cash or check only at the time of order. Checks should be made out to Vermilion County SWCD.